Sons of Hygiene Service

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

We do Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning at the comfort of your own home/office and if needed we can collect and return. We do all types of carpets from wool to Persian carpets, your couches or your curtains. We can even remove that piece of gum stuck in your brand new carpet as well.

About this service

  • • Carpet and upholstery cleaning – We offer a wet extraction of dirt. For convenience we offer collection for deep cleaning off site and delivery.
  • • Upholstery includes couches, armchairs, big pillows, and anything else covered with fabric. Make sure our office chairs, guesthouse couches and dining chairs get the love they deserve – after all that ass planting. We also clean matrasses – single, double, queen, king – you name it.
  • • Carpet cleaning, no matter how big or small, from your doorstep mat to big conference rooms. We clean Persian carpets, carpet tiles, fitted carpets, long hair carpets and more.